Decluttering my life: Part 1

If you have been following for a while, you probably know that I recently moved into a smaller place. Let me tell you that it has been super challenging to adjust to my new space. I didn’t realize how much stuff that I moved, and especially how I moved to Victoria with a car load … More Decluttering my life: Part 1


So a couple weeks ago, I got a personal message on one of my social about trying balancing school and running my social media accounts. The reader did ask specifically ask about running my blog as well. I’ve been blogging since I’ve been a teen, but I did start this blog a couple years ago, … More Balance

What your mother doesn’t tell you about: Finding yourself

Dear self, I know how confused and frustrated with everything that has been happening for the two years. You have always felt lost, you have always wanted to do things, but could never figure out how. To be honest, you are different than you used to be and you should be proud of yourself. You … More What your mother doesn’t tell you about: Finding yourself